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Vinha Centenaria Tinto - Susana Esteban

Vinha Centenaria Tinto - Susana Esteban

Regular price $60.00 USD
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A red blend of traditional varieties from Serra de São Mamede, Portugal.

The Vinha Centenaria comes from a single vineyard around 750 meters of elevation of centenarian vines. It is a relatively new acquisition for Susana, with a slightly different makeup than is typical in the region, with much less Alicante Bouchet in the blend, instead leaning on varieties like Trincadeira, Castelao, and Garanoir. The result is a wine that is much more red fruited and silky tannins than has traditionally been possible in her cellar. The 2021 was one of her most decorated wines ever, and the 2022 is equally outstanding. 13% Alcohol, extremely sexy. Alentejo for Burgundy lovers.